01. Five Factor Model
The five factor model or the cognitive model, helps us see how our thoughts can affect our moods & emotions. We can also see how our feelings then influence our behaviours and reactions to a situation. The same situation can result in very different outcomes, depending on the choices we make in regards to our thoughts about it.
02. Daily Activity Diary
For each day, record what were you doing during each time slot. For each box rate ENJOYMENT and MASTERY from 0 (not at all) to 10 (a lot).
03. Daily Mood Chart
Capture one sheet for each day. Rate from 1-5 each symptom for each time slot.
04. Behavioral Activation
This exercise is designed to help you feel an immediate sense of relief by connecting you with rewarding experiences. List 3 things you enjoy (or used to) that you have stopped doing and 3 things that make you feel like you are accomplishing something and plan some time to do those things this week
05. Core Values
Identifying your values helps you see yourself for who you really are and stands as the foundation for the decisions you will make in life. Completing this exercise will help you know yourself better and help you make the best possible decisions in life.
06. Core Purpose And Vision
Your Vision for your life will inspire your goals. You set a vision so that your goals have a purpose and you know clearly what you are working towards.
07. Goals Setting
Your Vision for your life will inspire your goals. You set a vision so that your goals have a purpose and you know clearly what you are working towards.
08. Thought Record
Thought challenging records help you evaluate negative automatic thoughts for accuracy and bias.
09. Thought Record With Balance Thoughts
Evaluate negative automatic thoughts and balance with alternative thoughts.
010. Evidence Technique
Avoid hearsay, speculation, opinions, narratives.
011. Core Belief Worksheet
Old Core Belief Vs. New Belief.
012. Problem Solving Worksheet
Problem solving method.
013. Imagery Worksheet
Original Thought Transformed into Image.
014. Exposure Hierarchy
Exposure ladder for specific situations related to your anxiety.
015. Behavioural Experiment Worksheet
Prediction, Experiment, Outcome, Learning.
016. Restructuring Themes Identified
Restructuring themes identified in thought records.
017. Changing Rules And Assumptions
Changing unhelpful rules and assumptions
018. Core Beliefs Log
Track earlier life experiences that have led to the core belief.
019. Challenging Core Beliefs
Analyze life experiences that have led to the core belief.
020. Recording New Belief
Recording the new belief.
Cristian's kind and empathetic nature always made me find our sessions a safe and happy place. I gained a new perspective on so many things that had been causing me anxiety by learning about the CBT framework of anxiety”
I have referred many people to York Region CBT - Cristian over the last year and would support anyone any parent who's child is dealing with OCD to make that initial appointment and start working with Cristian.
Cristian is methodical and will take you through the CBT steps without any judgment and drama so soon you will find new ways of looking at things in a different light without changing your personality or things you believe in.